Jess Keyt at Catwalk
Playwright, Jess Keyt, completed a draft for her full-length play, A Quiet Man of Immeasurable Beauty, while in residence in January 2019. The play has been a four-year work-in-progress and Jess anticipates another two years of editing before a final script. Jess works as a screenwriter and used this time to reconnect with her love of writing for the stage.
Jess’ piece explores the burden of the American Dream, the exploitation of indigenous people and the environment, cults, homemade space ships, and the need for escape. The play follows a father and son across the Northwest Territories and Jess used the winter setting at Catwalk as inspiration for her character’s environment.
Jess returns to NYU Tisch’s teaching faculty in dramatic writing. Following her residency at Catwalk, Jess was accepted for a 5-month residency at Woodstock Brydcliffe Guild’s Residency Program to continue her play.